Dear friends and all those interested in the Jemal Nebez Foundation!

If you would like to find out more about the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the Jemal Nebez Foundation and how we are financially positioned, you will find answers in the first part of our founding document.

About our current financial situation in 2024

The following PDF contains our income and expenses for the year 2024 continuously at the end of each month.

When you open the PDF and look at the top category "Donations", you can see at a glance that a significant part of the donations consists of the amount that the founder transfers each month, as agreed in the founding document (the yellow marking).

 It is worth mentioning here that when the foundation was established, the German authorities welcomed the fact that the foundation had security in the form of the real estate it was to receive, but found that the cash income from this would be too low, an objection that was initially dispelled by the aforementioned agreement. The foundation was established. That was in March 2020.

A lot has happened since then. We have gained experience. We have used the resources available to us and made progress. 

We are  looking for an opportunity this year to present what we have achieved to a larger interested audience in order to strengthen ourselves for what lies ahead. We will keep you informed.

Our finances in 2023, JN Award costs


2023 was a very active and important year for us.
We were able to award our Jemal Nebez Prize for the first time.


Financial planning for the year 2024

In addition, we have now drawn up a budget for the current year for the first time - based on the 2023 figures, with a view to what is probably most important in 2024.

Budget 2024.pdf (482.69KB)
Budget 2024.pdf (482.69KB)

Our documents submitted to the authorities

In the spring of each year, we prepare an annual report (text) for the previous calendar year and a financial report (figures). We submit these to the financial authority responsible for us and the Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination. Among other things, they serve as the basis for the non-profit status granted to the Jemal Nebez Foundation.

The documents from previous years are available at the bottom of this page - below the gallery.

Those who wish will be informed directly

Good News! We have a first support member. He paid 120 EUR in March this year and will do the same in the time to come. This sum is contained in the category ‘Donations’. By the way, we are happy to send all those who have given us their name and email or home address our regular information on the progress of our work, either directly by email or slow mail. Thus, we hope to build a support member group.

In the gallery

Three pictures of documents related to the establishment of our foundation are displayed in the gallery:
Image 1
Cover page of our founding document. This explains how we are set up financially. It also contains information on how we are organized, what our tasks are and how our two boards are structured.
Picture 2
Official notice: The Jemal Nebez Foundation is a legal entity. As such our foundation can, for example. file lawsuits of general importance.
Picture 3
Official notice: The Jemal Nebez Foundation is certified as a non-profit organization, which could be interesting for sponsors and donors who generate income in Germany and may be eligible for tax benefits.

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