Jemal Nebez Award
With this prize, which is awarded in loose succession, at best every second year, we celebrate the exceptional personality of Jemal Nebez and his life's work by finding and then awarding the prize to suitable candidates who are also able to achieve or have already achieved important things in the interests of the Kurds and Kurdistan.
All JN Award winners are outstanding in their own way
As for Jemal Nebez, he was a very thorough thinker. He applied scientific principles to all aspects of life. His first intellectual love was the natural sciences. When it came to deciding what to study, he chose to become a secondary school teacher of physics and mathematics.
His many talents had already become clear in the years before that. His father had him taught several languages as a child and as an adolescent he began to write his own texts.
Gradually, he showed his extraordinary abilities in many areas. He was able to recognize linguistic contexts, enrich the study of history as well as research the causes of the disadvantages of his people throughout his life and reveal some of them.
He was not only well known among Kurds as a scientist and knowledge-based personality, but also for his trustworthiness and intelligent judgment on social issues and in political areas.
All this together, not least the fact that Jemal Nebez was a Kurd and consciously recognized himself as such in all situations, made him an exceptional personality.
Awarding the Jemal Nebez Prize to individuals, groups or projects
The fields in which the Jemal Nebez Science Prize can be awarded are correspondingly extensive, namely politics, law, history, linguistics, art, literature, music, mathematics, medicine and science.
The Jemal Nebez Science Prize can be awarded to worthy individuals, groups or projects.
Ideally awarded every second year
Ideally, the prize should be awarded every second year.
Our solution for finding and selecting candidates
In February 2022, a request was made to the authorities as to whether we could outsource the identification of suitable candidates for the Jemal Nebez Award, including the shortlisting process. We were informed that there were no objections to this procedure under foundation law. In March 2022, we commissioned Sirwan Renas (from Rojhelat or East Kurdistan, currently living in the US) to form a multi-member commission for the purpose, which he succeeded in doing.
Since September 2024, Fexriye Adsay, a cultural worker, translator and moderator living in Diyarbekir (Ahmed), has been in charge of the JN Prize Commission.
For various reasons, the next award ceremony will now take place later than initially planned and will be announced here as soon as possible.