Online Scientific Seminars
Our online scientific seminars have been available since August 2023. We offer them at irregular intervals via our ZOOM account. Please watch for new announcements.
For more information on the series, please scroll all the way down. We publish seminars that have already been held on our YouTube channel.
Seminar 01 March 2025 The Divine Mother of Kurds, Love and Heritage
This seminar took place on Saturday, Febuary 1, 2025 at 7 p.m. CET:
The Image of Invisibles: The story of resilience from Zagros mountains to the Alps
From the hidden details of the human body to untold stories of resilience, this talk unveils the realms of the unseen. We’ll explore how medical imaging brings the invisible to light and how persistence paves the way for breakthroughs.
Other seminars like the one by Parisa Khateri are in preparation for 2025:
These Scientific Online Seminars have been held since August 2023. They will be continued on an ongoing basis.
We would like to thank Yado Rahmani for the successful planning and implementation since August 2023, and Sirwan Renas for his support, as well as all others actively involved in this.
Review of
Online Seminars held in 2022
It was a great pleasure for the Jemal Nebez Foundation that Dr. Irfan Mustafa conducted the following three seminars last year in honor of our namesake:
Dr Jemal Nebez's thinking at a glance:
On the complexity of the meaning of being a Kurd
Dr. Irfan's approach to the series is philosophical-ontological and the series was divided as follows:
Seminar 1: The Problem of Being Kurdish
Seminar 2: Language and Kurdness
Seminar 3: Origin and Kurdness
Jemal Nebez authored three independent writings on the subject of the series, two of them in Kurdish کوردی , one in German, all three of which can be downloaded in PDF format from his surviving website -
Dr. Jemal Nebez has published twice on the topic, of the seminar series - first time in 1985 and then in 2002.
All three seminars were held in Kurdish.
Below are the videos for viewing.
Zanin group, a group Dr. Irfan is affiliated with, helping significantly with the editing of the videos.
Seminar 3: Origin and Kurdness - held on November 20, 2022
Seminar 2: Language and Kurdness - held on October 2, 2022, Part 2 of 2